NDSM Fuse Amsterdam, LOSDOK Amsterdam, Cinema Insurrection, Living With Buildings III UK, Interalia Magazine, Habitat-Nonstop Amsterdam, Festival Les Instants Vidéo Milan, Timespecific New York, Grey’s Reef Ocean Film Festival USA, Cotuit Center for the Arts Massachusetts, The Line London Art Fair, 8balltv.club New York, Immemory Web Awards US, Mitte Media Festival Berlin, Hamburg Primal Uproar, DotsWavesTV London, Studio44 Film Festival Stockholm, Magmart Film Festival Italy, VideoSound Archive USA, Atticus Review New York, Utsanga Italy, Ranger US, Die Leere Mitte Germany, Interalia Magazine US, Word for Word US, JokerJokerTV US, RIC Journal, Moving Poems US, Houston Literary Review US
FILM INDEX / CV 2006-2024
Last Time Tomorrow, The One, Fundacja Pinata, Toru, Poland, http://pinatagroup.com/2024/09/17/2-international-digital-art-biennial-the-one-participants
Moon is a Dagger, Die Deere Mitte, https://leserpent.wordpress.com/2024/09/17/die-leere-mitte-issue-23/
Whisper Aquamarine 2022, Tears In The Night 2019, Existential Vacuum 2017, Aqua Ardens, NDSM FUSE, Amsterdam, NL
PsychoPomp 2010, Sein und Werden, http://www.kissthewitch.co.uk/seinundwerden/spring-summer24/page40.html
VOID 2023, Word 4Word, https://www.wordforword.info/vol42/Chapman.html
JokerJokerTV USA, Existential Vacuum, Cold Mountain Moon, Send Love, DreamTown USA, Race The Sun, Wolf Queen and Red Hood, KnuckleShop, Confidential 0P and WonderStrike, Farmers World, Moon Is A Dagger, Last Exit, Eat the Night.
Surfers Soul 2024, Hunters Heart 2024, Ranger Magazine, https://www.rangermagazine.net/chapman_issue4
Fevers of the Mind 9 Essentials 2019-2023, https://feversofthemind.com/2024/02/01/out-today-the-fevers-of-the-mind-poetry-art-music-issue-9-the-essentials-issue-1-2019-2023/
Round the Clock 2023, Video Sound Archive, https://www.videosoundarchive.com/archive-s10/12912732-cecelia-chapman
Hunters Heart 2023, Last Time Tomorrow 2022, White Yang 2021, LOSDOK, Amsterdam, NL
Cecelia Chapman Film, https://www.cinemainsurrection.com/2023/08/21/cecelia-chapman/
Love Fugitif 2021, Atticus Review, https://atticusreview.org/love-fugitif
Kraft und Macht 2023, Die Leere Mitte, https://leserpent.wordpress.com/2023/05/19/die-leere-mitte-issue-18/
My Bot Dancing 2the End 2023, Otoliths, https://the-otolith.blogspot.com/2023/06/cecelia-chapman.html
No One Speaks of Lorette 2023, Otoliths, https://the-otolith.blogspot.com/2023/06/cecelia-chapman.html
Hinchinarfer 2023, Otoliths, https://the-otolith.blogspot.com/2023/06/cecelia-chapman.html
Cornflakes of Hullabaloo 2023, Otoliths, https://the-otolith.blogspot.com/2023/06/cecelia-chapman.html
Round the Clock 2023, Ranger Magazine, https://www.rangermagazine.net/chapmanissue1
JokerJokerTV USA, Hunters Heart, Surfers Soul, Recuerdo, Uncertainty, Radio SleepyHead, Kraft und Macht, Round the Clock, Mr. Mystik, 7Powers of Wrath and White Yang, No One Speaks of Lorette, Stations of the Cross, In My Dream of You and Tears in the Night, Cornflakes Hullabalooism, VOID, My Bot Dancing 2the End, Time is Untape.
Planet of Dreams 2022, Interalia Magazine, https://www.interaliamag.org/audiovisual/cecelia-chapman-planet-of-dreams/
JokerJokerTV, Dear Robot, SideShow Kids, Friday Night, Love Fugitif, Nuclear Forest
Once In A Blue Moon 2022, Moon On Fire 2019, SpaceLife Dreams 2022, Borders Between Day And Night, Habitat - Nonstop, Amsterdam, NL
Nuclear Forest 2022, Living with Buildings III film festival, Coventry, UK
Wolf Queen 2023, Arteidolia, http://www.arteidolia.com/cecelia-chapman-planet-of-dreams/
Last Time Tomorrow 2022, Otoliths, https://the-otolith.blogspot.com/2022/06/cecelia-chapman.html
Magic Dream 2022, Arteidolia, http://www.arteidolia.com/cecelia-chapman-planet-of-dreams/
Nomad Dreams, The Sorceress, The Flying Saucer and The Moon 2022, Die Deere Mitte, https://leserpent.wordpress.com/2022/03/15/die-leere-mitte-issue-13-rimae/
Nomad Dreams, The Sorceress, The Flying Saucer and The Moon 2022, Video Sound Archive, https://www.videosoundarchive.com/archive-s4/11147255-cecelia-chapman
Last Exit 2029, Otoliths, https://the-otolith.blogspot.com/2022/03/cecelia-chapman-jeff-crouch.html
Movie interview with Randee Silv, Arteidolia editor, http://www.arteidolia.com/protest-fables-inteview-with-cecelia-chapman/
White Yang 2020, Atticus Review, https://atticusreview.org/white-yang/
Love Fugitif 2021, 34th Festival Les Instants Vidéo, Buenos Aires (Argentine) / Festival VideoBardo, and Milan (Italie) / [.BOX] Videoart project space
Nuclear Forest 2021, VideoSound Archive, Season2, https://www.videosoundarchive.com/archive-s2/cecelia-chapman
Nuclear Forest 2021, DreamTown USA 2021, Calamari Press, https://www.calamaripress.com/SF/2020/14_Chapman_Crouch.htm
In My Dream of You, PreDawn, Word for Word, www.wordforword.info/vol37
Selected Film 2009-2019, Cotuit Center for the Arts, Cape Cod, MA, USA
Love Electronique 2021, Utsanga, https://www.utsanga.it/chapman-love-electronique/
Aurelie's TV Film Festival, Vital Spaces, Santa Fe NM
Timespecific collaborative film 'Choreography In Time And Space' at The Line Contemporary Art Space, London International Art Fair
Distant Place , Sein Und Werden, http://www.kissthewitch.co.uk/seinundwerden/spring21/page11.html
Love Fugitif 2021, Die Leere Mitte https://leserpent.wordpress.com/tag/cecelia-chapman/
Radius Shutdown , Web Awards, Immemory, https://covid-immemory.com/radius-shutdown-
Timespecific, Choreography in Time And Space and Visual Memories
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead Chapter 11, Timespecific
Tomorrow Is Forever 2021, Arteidolia, http://www.arteidolia.com/tomorrow-is-forever-by-cecelia-chapman-jeff-crouch-raphael-gonzalez/
Whisper Aquamarine 2021,Tomorrow is Forever 2021, Timespecific, https://www.timespecific.com/visual-memories–a-living-video-archive-
Radius Shutdown, 8balltv.club – video marathon 12/31/2020 and 01/01/2021
Rattlings 2020, Compostxt https://compostxt.blogspot.com/2021/01/cecelia-chapman-rattlings-and.html
Segment for Timespecific collaboration with Central Booking New York, Choreography in Time And Space and Visual Memories
Dear Robot 2018, Art Gallery Studio 44, Slipvillan, Stockholm, Sweden
In My Dream of You 2020, Compostext, https://compostxt.blogspot.com/2020/10/two-videos-by-cecelia-chapman.html http://
In My Dream of You 2020, Arteidolia, www.arteidolia.com/cecelia-chapman-rafael-gonzalez
In My Dream of You 2020, Utsanga, https://www.utsanga.it/chapman-gonzalez-in-my-dream-of-you/
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead 2016, August Acud Macht Neu, Berlin
Evoking 2020, Compostxt, https://compostxt.blogspot.com/2020/05/cecelia-chapman-evoking.html https://slowforward.net/2020/06/12/evoking-cecelia-chapman-2020/ https://www.utsanga.it/silv-crouch-magallon-chapman-evoking/
I Have Collected All the Writings of the Empire and Burnt Those Which Were of No Use, Stations of the Cross, Chapter 2, 2018 https://compostxt.blogspot.com/2020/04/cecelia-chapman-chapter-2-stations-of.html
Dear Friend 2020, a mail art performance, https://www.utsanga.it/chapman-gonzalez-crouch-breuss-dear-friend-a-mail-art-performance/
Last Exit, Club Paradise, Cabo Peligro from Club Paradise 2019, Interalia Magazine, https://www.interaliamag.org/articles/cecelia-chapman/
Hey Marty 2020, Arteidolia, http://www.arteidolia.com/watchfiends-cecelia-chapman-jeff-crouch/
Dragonfly Winter 2020, Arteidolia, http://www.arteidolia.com/watchfiends-cecelia-chapman-jeff-crouch/
White Yang 2020, Compostxt, https://compostxt.blogspot.com/2020/10/two-videos-by-cecelia-chapman.html https://atticusreview.org/white-yang/
Radius Shutdown 2020, Arteidolia, http://www.arteidolia.com/cecelia-chapman-jeff-crouch/
Radius Shutdown 2020, SlowForward, https://slowforward.net/2020/04/18/radius-shutdown-cecelia-chapman-jeff-crouch-2020/
Radius Shutdown 2020, Wake-Up, http://wake-up.engad.org/open-call-shut-down/
Radius Shutdown 2020, New Media Fest, http://retro.newmediafest.org/corona-shutdown/
Radius Shutdown 2020, he New Museum of Networked Art, http://and.nmartproject.net/?p=5408
Radius Shutdown 2020, Immemory, https://covid-immemory.com/radius-shutdown-2020
The Moon Beneath Her Feet 2020, Arteidolia, http://www.arteidolia.com/vids/
Renounce the Trolley Problem 2020, Arteidolia, http://www.arteidolia.com/watchfiends-cecelia-chapman-jeff-crouch/
Dear Robot 2018, An Ordinary Day Film Festival, Stockholm, http://www.anordinarydayfilmfestival.com
Selected video, Magmart https://www.magmart.it/fullartist.php?i=3658
Heaven of Zero 2019, Utsanga, https://www.utsanga.it/chapman-crouch-heaven-of-zero/
Tears in the Night 2019, Tip of the Knife, https://tipoftheknife.blogspot.com/2019/09/tip-of-knife-issue-33.html
Race the Sun 2019, Compostxt, https://compostxt.blogspot.com/2019/03/new-videos-from-cecelia-chapman.html
Moon On Fire Meditation 2019, RedFez, https://www.redfez.net/video/night-moon-on-fire-meditation-131
5 films, Moving Poems, http://movingpoems.com/poet/cecelia-chapman/
Done Drama: Music for the Dead, Chapter 10 2016, Loophole Berlin, Germany
Dear Robot 2018, Moving Poems, http://movingpoems.com/2018/08/dear-robot-2018-by-cecelia-chapman-and-jeff-crouch/ and http://compostxt.blogspot.com/2018/07/cecelia-chapman-dear-robot.html
Asemic Videobook 2017, Utsanga, https://www.utsanga.it/chapman-gonzalez-asemic-videobook/
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead, Chapter 10, 2016, Primal Uproar III, Hamburg, Germany
Send Love: time flows backwards here, 2018, New Post Literate, http://thenewpostliterate.blogspot.com/2018/07/send-love-time-flows-backwards-here.html
Send Love: time flows backwards here, 2018, Compostxt, https://compostxt.blogspot.com/2018/08/cecelia-chapman-send-love-time-flows.html
Existential Vacuum, Chapter 1 from I Have Collected All the Writings of the Empire and Burnt Those Which Were of No Use 2017, Unlikely Stories, http://www.unlikelystories.org/content/existential-vacuum http://compostxt.blogspot.com/2018/04/cecelia-chapman-chapter-1-existential.html
Existential Vacuum, Chapter 1 from I Have Collected All the Writings of the Empire and Burnt Those Which Were of No Use, 2017, Sein Und Werden, http://www.kissthewitch.co.uk/seinundwerden/autumn20/page10.html
Existential Vacuum, Chapter 1 from I Have Collected All the Writings of the Empire and Burnt Those Which Were of No Use, 2017, SlowForward, https://slowforward.net/2018/06/20/i-have-collected-all-the-writings-of-the-empire-and-burnt-those-which-were-of-no-use-chapter-1-existential-vacuum-cecelia-chapman-2017/
Knuckleshop 2008, Berlin Mitte Media Festival
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead, Chapter 9 2016, Interalia Magazine, https://www.interaliamag.org/emerging-ideas/cecelia-chapman-strange-love-2017/
Orchid Farm 2008, Interalia Magazine, https://www.interaliamag.org/emerging-ideas/cecelia-chapman-strange-love-2017/
Confidential 0P 2017, RedFez, https://www.redfez.net/video/mystery-confidential-0p-121
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead 2016, The Perfect Clue 2016, Message4u 2025 @Magmart Video Festival 10
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead 2016, Traumathek, Cologne, Germany
Knuckleshop 2008, Moving Poems, @movingpoems.com/2017/02/knuckleshop-by-cecelia-chapman/
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead, Chapter 8 2016, Unlikely Stories, http://www.unlikelystories.org/content/drone-drama-chapter-8
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead Chapter 1 2016, Red Fez, https://www.redfez.net/video/drones-drone-drama-music-for-dead-chapter-1-109-109-109
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead, Chapter 10 2016, SlowForward, https://slowforward.net/2016/12/07/cecelia-chapman-drone-drama-music-for-the-dead-chapter-10/
Drone Drama: Music for the Dead, Chapter 3 2016, Dots Waves TV, UK, https://dotswaves.wistia.com/medias/ip6ktsa7a6
Chapter 6 Drone Drama: Music for the Dead 2016 http://www.unlikelystories.org/content/drone-drama-music-for-the-dead-chapter-6Edit
Fear Don’t Knock 2014, Dots Waves TV, UK, http://www.dotswaves.com/
Fear Don’t Knock 2014, Compostxt, http://compostxt.blogspot.com/2014/05/cecelia-chapman-fear-dont-knock.html
Devils Teeth 2014, Pulp Metal Magazine, http://pulpmetalmagazine.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/devils-teeth-by-cecelia-chapman/
Crossover 2013, Dots Waves TV, UK, http://www.dotswaves.com/
Crossover 2013, Pulp Metal Magazine, http://pulpmetalmagazine.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/crossover-by-cecelia-chapman/
Recuerdo 2013, Red Fez, https://www.redfez.net/video/memory-recuerdo-84
Recuerdo 2013, Pulp Metal Magazine, http://pulpmetalmagazine.wordpress.com/2011/10/07/nightflight-by-cecelia-chapman/
Night Flight 2011, Спілка ЕКстремальної Словесності \ Extreme Writing Community, http://seks-ua.blogspot.com/2013/02/cece-chapman-nightflight.html
Jeff’s Trip 2011, Compostsxt, http://compostxt.blogspot.com/2011/11/cecelia-chapman-jeffs-trip.html
Silent Witness 2011, Exquisite What, https://vimeo.com/exquisitewhat
BadLands series:
El Dorado
Eclipse Landing
Orpheus Gun
Highway 1 2012, Pulp Metal Magazine, http://pulpmetalmagazine.wordpress.com/2011/12/10/highway-1-road-of-dreams-blood-alley-devils-slide-by-cecelia-chapman/
Sunset Noir http://compostxt.blogspot.com/2012/02/cecelia-chapman-nine-photograph.html
Elemental series:
Igneous &Prometheus
Lucifer’s Wings
The Moon2 (is the mirror of your dreams)
Arachne’s Bed
Sea Fever
Passage &Drift
Thin Ice
Chasing Rainbows
The Moon (is the mirror of your dreams)
Surreal Suspicion series:
Changing Room(only) 2011, Compostxt, http://compostxt.blogspot.com/2011/07/cecelia-chapman-changing-roomonly.html
Serial Asemik
Danger Archive series:
Pre-Dawn 2011, Compostxt, http://compostxt.blogspot.com/2011/04/cecilia-chapman-jeff-crouch.html
Danger Rocks
Let Me Sleep in Your Crystal Kitchen
Dark Waters
The Sea Has No Memory
Cult House
Confusion Arising
Strange, Dark &Wicked series:
Eat The Night
Luna Tree
Psycho Pomp
Little Box
Meet The Bluffs
Whispers Of A Dying Sun
7Powers Of Wrath
Service Charge Included
Ruf N'Tuf Cartoon Video series:
Tropic of Danger
Violent Rendezvous
Violent Cartoon
Playground Blue
Crouch Trifecta series:
The Onsker of Xanfroxzit
2008 Trailer for earlier film
Mr. E. series:
Distant Place
Yellow Notepad Caper
Luna Negra
Playing Jeff
Rogue Con
Cybrid Adventures series:
Here Is Where?
Time Is The Fabric Holding Space Together
Mystery Shopper
Faster than A Black Hole
CatNap series:
Entre Ciel et Terre
ShadowMaster series:
Sideshow Kids
ShadowMaster trailer
We Are Always Saying Goodbye
Spanish Prisoner
Dr. Mysterium
Signs, Wishes &Wonders series:
Once Upon A Sign
The Wicked Witch Gets Her Wish
Love, War &Chaos series:
Circus Chaos 2008, Lit Chaos, http://litchaos.blogspot.com/2008/05/circus-chaos-by-cecilia-chapman-and.html
Night, Sleep &Dream series:
Night Trip
Dream Dance
Sleep Lab
3 is for Fate series:
Hoodoo Jinx Spell
Fat Chance
The Shaman is Out series:
I Want To Fly
Mr. Lucky
On The Run series:
Day2 Waiting4U
First Night (of the fool moon)
On The Run